About cecejames.com

Are you ready to be a pilot on this life journey and navigate your own health story?

You want to live a higher state of balanced health but it feels just out of grasp. There is so much information out that there that it can be overwhelming and daunting. What way do you go, which supplements do you choose? Is organic always necessary?  Bottled water vs. Filtered?? How do you ask your body what's best? The Natural Living Aisle at your local Whole Foods feels like a foreign land and the language is one you may not fully understand. Maybe you have a child that requires extra support, a recent diagnosis, or a mystery illness. Maybe it’s a gut instinct or higher calling. Maybe you just want the basics, or maybe you just know you are ready... DIY-Kinesiology can be your greatest tool available to help you navigate these questions and be your guide to what is most beneficial for YOU

I know what this feels like too...

I know what it feels like to be sick, scared and confused. To have your health taken from you. To not know why it feels like your body has turned on you. I know all about the fear that you will never feel like yourself again. To feel isolated, alone, and abandoned by friends and family that don't understand or think it's all in your head. To wonder yourself if it's all just in your head... I know what it is like to experience stress, fatigue and exhaustion with no time to rest and still have to attend to the things that matter most. For nearly all my life, I have struggled with chronic illness and misdiagnosis that has left me searching for help in a culture incapable of supporting me. I have had to learn to advocate for myself, my loved ones and to navigate the terrain of the established medical paradigm in order to survive. That is why I am on this mission of teaching DIY-Kinesiology and helping to create a culture that believes in the power of self-care.

Hi! I'm Cece, and I am so glad that you have found me.

If we have connected, then you already care about your health and the health of your loved ones. You have probably already made some significant changes in your lifestyle and have seen it really work. Maybe now you want to integrate holistic living in other areas of life, spirituality and general development. Maybe even to become your passion, hobby, interest or legacy. Wherever you fall on this spectrum cecejames.com has something for you! HERE for client testimonials

 Image By: Heart & Soul Photography      

The Gift of Health is a long-lasting, multi-leveled process that really matters.

Holistic Living Strategies improve your life and the lives of those around you. Your family enjoys a higher quality of life and know beyond a shadow of doubt that they are the most important in your mind. Plus you feel good enough to be at your creative and energetic best so you can be all you want to be at home and out in the world. 


Cece James has been a great help to our entire family. Being an RN, I was a little skeptical at first when my wife started consulting Cece regarding both she and our daughter’s health. Based on the positive results in everything from dietary changes, homeopathic remedies, and the energy work that Cece does on our behalf, I was soon sold. Cece has taught us so much that we are able to reliably find the answers to most questions. She is informative, capable and giving, and has really helped improve the qualities of our lives.

MA & JP - Albuquerque, NM

What Can Cecejames.com do for you?

I help to empower those who are interested in connecting with the natural world to navigate a terrain of supplement and whole food living.  Through experience and conversation, we will explore the various ways in which a holistic lifestyle can enrich and integrate into any current view of health as well as optimize one's true balance and vitality. With DIY-Kinesiology you can really start to filter the vast array of information out there and fine tune what really applies to you, specifically.

Meet Cece's family, the team behind the inspiration...

Daughter D'Lanie- College

Husband Barry- Married 25plus yrs

Son Aidan- College 

 Image by: Heart & Soul Photography

We explore all things Holistic Living through DIY-Kinesiology:

  • Intuition, Self-Awareness and Emotional Healing 
  • Environmental and Chemical Toxin Awareness and Education
  • Daily/Safe Detoxification
  • How to Thrive with Chronic Illness 
  • Sleep - Natural Paths to Rejuvination
  • The Importance of Teeth, Gums and the Oral Microbiome
  • The Power of Holistic Parenting
  • Supplements and Nutrition
  • And More 

Why am I qualified to help you?

I have been so blessed to have worked and connected with so many wonderful people over the course of my life. I have always enjoyed working with children and families, leading to a Bachelor of Science Degree in Early Childhood Multicultural Education from the University of New Mexico in 1997. I taught kindergarten for 10 years. I keep my State license to teach current and continue working with children, families and schools in a variety of ways. My love for people turned into a profound respect and curiosity for bodies and health. With a guiding push from nature and a desire to overcome and understand my own physical challenges and health limitations, I became obsessed with the understanding of the body, how it works and what could be done to bring back and maintain vitality and health after chronic or acute illness hits. I have spent the last 25 plus years exploring this through means of natural healing approaches, focusing mainly on; Emotional Work, Nutritional, Supplements, Homeopathic, Essential Oils, Bach Flowers and other Natural Remedies.

Want more about Cece? You can find it Here

Really, It’s all about you…..

Every resource here has been brought with you in mind. To provide solutions for your health problems and concerns. A place to get a piece of mind that you are the priority, that you are important and your health and wellness matters. That you have everything inside you already to heal whatever ails you. Yes, you can balance a quick paced full life with time and space to truly care for and learn to better communicate with yourself. Join me on my mission, to create a culture of self-care! Are you ready? Let’s get started!


"I am so happy I found you! I feel incredible when we talk and have so many breakthroughs. I'm glad we found each other. Just want you to know that I really appreciate all the time you put in on my behalf, it's not taken lightly and is yielding incredible results. Thank you so much!"

JM - Fort Stockton, Tx

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