References: Toxicity and Poor Cognitive Outcomes in Children and Adults - PMC
Barefut products
The World's Finest Essential Oils
100% Pure Essential Oils at Affordable Prices
In full disclosure, I will make a small commission from any items that you purchase.
Fractionated Coconut Oil
Breathe Vitality (Children’s)
Dr. P’s Dark Chocolate Mint Oil
From Dr. Pappas: “Don’t be fooled by imitations, this is the highest quality CBD oil from the FULL full spectrum, not from isolate or fractionated cannabinoids, this oil is made from the TOTAL CO2 EXTRACT of Cannabis sativa with the full profile of cannabinoids as well as the plant lipids and nutrients that other companies take out because they don’t know how to formulate with the total extract to make it taste good. I have recently developed a unique combination of dark cocoa extract and organic peppermint oil that truly tastes amazing. Everyone who has tried this product absolutely loves the flavor.”
Coconut Carrier Oil
Coconut Carrier Oil is solid at room temperature and is a very versatile carrier oil. It forms a barrier on the skin and absorbs quickly, making it an excellent skin moisturizer. It also helps reduce protein loss when used in hair. Coconut Carrier Oil can be used to create a variety of products such as massage oils, body balms, lip balms, and lotions. Barefut’s Coconut Oil is different from what you would see in the grocery store, in that it is refined to make it almost odorless so it does not overpower the aroma of essential oils that you add to it for topical applications.
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Let The Sun Shine
References: Nature Exposure and Its Effects on Immune System Functioning: A Systematic Review -
Some Kind of Joy
References:Picture this! Bringing Joy into Focus and Developing Healthy Habits of Mind: Rationale,
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