Follow along below with me to do the easy 3-day mini sugar cleanse:

Day 1:

-Pick 2-3 sugar items that you normally eat and/or add sugar too and lovingly commit to abstaining from it for 3 full days.

On the day you begin your cleanse, tell your body that you will be choosing different things today, tomorrow and the next day. Be sure to have gratitude for that which has been in your life then feel free to send it on its way.

-Drink lemon water 3 times; once in the morning, again in the afternoon and again in the early evening (1/2- 1 full organic lemon squeezed into warmed / filtered water).

*Do the lemon water 3x's per day for all three days that you cleanse.

If you can design taking in the lemon water to be around the time of any regular sugar cravings you experience, this will make even more of an impact. Some people, also find adding 1-3 drops of a good quality liquid stevia to their lemon water will help with the cravings and make the transition off sugar a little easier.

Day 2: While still abstaining from the committed items & taking in the lemon water as begun in day 1

1) You may experience minor detox symptoms begin to rise.

2) And/or you may experience cravings well up

The homeopathic remedy Carbo Veg, used for any rising detox symptoms is a great item to have aroundoptimally before you start this process. You can purchase this at any health food store.

I recommend getting the 30c potency.

* Special challenge; if you have begun your 3 day cleanse and are having symptoms of minor detox or discomfort from this, you can go to any health food store that carries homeopathy. Think into the symptoms your currently experiencing then while doing so, place the carbo veg into your field. See if you get a strong (safe and beneficial) read for yourself w/ the carbo veg...

Do remember that this is a gentle, everyday cleanse approach, nothing harsh or radical whatsoever, but for some people, even the slightest change in your diet can create some uncomfortable symptoms upon initial withdraw from sugary items your body is use to ingesting on a regular basis. However, once working though the transitional period, most people describe having an increase in their energy, more stable mood and often will even experience a more regulated weight.

If any type of cravings do come up throughout the process (or any other time), try the tapping for cravings I made just for you.

Day 3: 

This is the last day of your mini sugar cleanse. All you have to do is finish what you started. Just continue on continuing on... Avoid your committed items, do your lemon water and if necessary the carbo veg and/or tapping.

- Journal your experiences. Especially anything that comes up with the re-introduction of those sugar items should you choose to continue them. Or maybe you'll choose to replace em instead...

Extra challenges:

*Commit to reading ingredient labels and trying to avoid those processed forms of sugar

*Test your body for the forms of sugar most beneficial for you and start integrating in ways to use that sweetener more than the other types.

About the Author Cece James

Cece James is the founder of Institute for Healing and Holistic Living, and the creator of the Body Feedback Formula. For almost three decades, Cece has been passionate about her mission to create a loving culture of self-care. She has spent this time supporting individuals and families in their journey of navigating Holistic Living/Parenting through Muscle-Testing & DIY-Kinesiology. When Cece is not nerding out on all things body, she is enjoying time with her adored family; husband of 25+ years, two college-aged children, their beloved German Shepherd and 3 cats. Read more about Cece HERE

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