The Self-Tester Society VIP Monthly Membership

If you are looking for holistic health / lifestyle education, resources and support for highly sensitive adults / kids facing health challenges, the 'natural parent' or the do-it-yourself health enthusiast ... I'm so glad you found me because this membership community was created just for you.

Become a VIP Monthly Member and Join The Self-Tester Society Today 

The top 7 perks you get with a monthly membership into The Self-Tester Society...

1. My favorite, The Monthly Swag Box. Each month in the membership will have a special theme, idea or focus and the monthly swag box will include physical tid bits of hands-on materials, supplies and samples to bring that concept to life and make it relevant to your experience, now. 

2. DAILY Intentional Inspiration. This doesn't have to be a lot, complex or even time consuming. It's just a little moment of counted on positive juju to raise your vibration and get you into the daily flow.

3. Seasonal/Moon/Regular Community Celebrations. Sure, we can focus on all the crazy, weird and bad stuff going on in the world OR we can bring our attention and time to the things that are really awesome. The truth is that there is A LOT of good happening in the world right now too. We just have to shift our perspective to be open to seeing it. One of the best ways I have found to do this, is by gathering with others who are looking to create similar energy in the world and in their life. Join other self-testers in navigating health conscious and holistic wellness topics (with a little woo spinkled in) through the lens of learning to deepen your self-testing techniques. 

4. Monthly Support/Coaching Calls/Q&A. Yes, that's right. Once every month we will meet online to support our members with integrating in the monthly concept, using the supplies or to just process the healing together in a safe, loving and powerful community of like-minded individuals looking to prioritize their wellness and live their best life. 

5. Sometimes you just need a little extra... and Designated Weekly Office Hours are just the ticket to get a quick question answered, have someone hold space or work through something without having to figure it all out on your own. 

6. Seasonal Drop; A Self-Healing Guided Program. This is so juicy and where your self-testing will really be put to the test. Here you will be challenged with what your body can really do when given the right tools, support and system as your progress through a guided DIY fully focused self-healing program. 

7. Don't forget the Discounts! That's right, Self-Tester Society members will be given discounts on many of the specific products in our shop and on some of the specials that we run. 

Sign up right here and get your free Self-Test your Self-Care print @home mini card deck