
Oils and Candle Diffuser Kit

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $29.99.

Kit includes:  (3) 15ml essential oils and small candle lit diffuser.

  • Cedarwood Himalayan; 100% pure, therapeutic, unadulterated (undiluted/unchanged) Essential Oil steam distilled wood from Nepal. With its sweet and woodsy aroma, this oil is used for incense, medicine and cosmetics. It is perfect for diffusing or adding to blends for uniquely therapeutic combinations. In fact, it blends so well with Juniper, that I included that oil in this kit as well. It also blends wonderfully with ylang-ylang, rosemary and bergamot too. I will include barefut’s product fact sheet and some various recipes and other uses for this oil with purchase.
  • Juniper; 100% pure, therapeutic, unadulterated (undiluted/unchanged) Essential Oil steam distilled berry and twigs from Russia. While this aroma is quite woodsy it is also very crisp. This oil is cleansing, purifying, peaceful and comforting. It is good to diffuse and wonderful as a topical but only if properly diluted as it can be sensitive to the skin. This kit will come with juniper’s product fact sheet from barefut, a list of oils this one blends well with along with some recipes and other usage suggestions from me.
  • Turmeric; 100% pure, therapeutic, unadulterated (undiluted/unchanged) steam distilled herb from India. With Turmerics warm and spicy aroma…its use dates back over 4000 years. Turmeric oil does terrific in blends for pain support and mixes well with ginger, sweet orange, bergamot, lavender and petitgrain. With this kit purchase you will get barefut’s product fact sheet plus I will share some wonderful ways with you that I use the turmeric essential oil on the regular.
  • This kit has the 3 15ml oils plus the candle diffuser, product fact sheets for all oils, plus my favorite recipes, uses and combinations for best effect.

Barefut Essential Oils:

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