Tapping Tools 

Tapping otherwise known as EFT utilizes Chinese acupressure or energy meridian points to decrease stress in the body. Studies have shown that it can actually lower cortisol levels which in turn can also lower anxiety, decrease physical symptoms and pain in the body, help with insomnia, aid digestive distress plus so much more!

Tapping can actually improve your overall function and wellness by supporting your immunity by simply helping your body deal better with stress. This is so important because stress is very hard on the immune system and makes you more susceptible to infection.

So how can tapping your meridian end points help with stress? I am so glad you asked... 

Tapping on the bodies energy meridian points actually sends your brain a calming message that it is okay to relax. Without that, your fear, worry or anxiety will trigger the part of your brain responsible for releasing stress into the body and bloodstream and putting you into fight or flight as your body reacts to a perceived danger. This is your bodies amygdala taking over control. While this action is of much use to us when we are in a real danger situation, our daily lives should not be triggering this type of response... but it does, for most of us, on the regular. We are running from a lion that was never there and your body can't tell the difference.

Tapping on these meridian points (the same used in acupressure) while you think about what is causing you stress helps your mind understand that you are not in any physical danger and it is safe to relax, reducing cortisol levels.” thetappingsolution.com

Here are the tapping points that you will need to know;

1. Karate chop point located under your pinky on the soft part of the outside of your hand.

2. Top of Head point is located directly on the crown of your head. 

3. Eyebrow Point located in the spot closest to the bridge of the nose Where the eyebrows begin.

4. Side of Eye point is located on the bone directly along the outside of either eye.

5. Under Eye point is located on the bone directly under either eye.

6. Under Nose point is located in the area directly beneath the nose and above the upper lip.

7. Chin Point located in the area just below your bottom lip and above the chin, and right in the crease.

8. Collarbone Point is located where your collar bones meet in the center, then go down an inch and out an inch on either side for the exact placement.

9. Under Arm point is located On your side, about four inches beneath the armpit.

 So what about it, shall we tap? Use these points to help you tap along with me now.                     

 Go HERE for the Tapping For Stress Meditation

 Go HERE for the Open to Gratitude Tapping Mediation

 Go HERE to tap along for Sugar Cravings

If you want to know more about Tapping, please check out www.thetappingsolution.com

If you are interested in the copious scientific research behind EFT Tapping - Emotional Freedom Technique, please go to https://eftuniverse.com/research-studies/ 

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