The Body Feedback Formula

Are you challenged by and struggle with your health? Do you sometimes feel confused by mystery symptoms or illness you may be experiencing more than you would like? Are you looking for a better way to maintain the unique health challenges you or someone you love face? 

Did you know that your body has all the answers it needs and will ever need to heal inside you, right now? 

That's right, you heard me, but let me repeat myself just in case...

Your body has all the answers it needs and will ever need to heal inside you, right now

You might just need a way to tap your body for that healthful information and once you'll be off on a journey like you've never had and what better companion to have on a journey of health and self- discovery but your BFF your Best Friend Forever, the person that knows and loves you best... YOU!

Join me on an adventure that lasts a lifetime, learn to self-muscle test and experience The Body Feedback Formula Today!


This guided journey of healing through the use of self-muscle testing techniques, will help you go from being controlled by chronic/mystery symptoms to feeling empowered and ready to take back your life and health! 

  • Learn how to listen to and discern your bodies personal alarm signal  
  • Learn to tap into your higher self-wisdom & the universal energy that already knows all
  • Learn to better navigate the beautiful built-in system of you 
  • Learn concrete self-testing tools, techniques & tips
  • Learn hand positions, resources & real time applications
  • Learn how to apply the art of self-testing for basic imbalances
  • Learn to make space for your real genius to finally come through!

The Body Feedback Formula could be your key to conquering chronic illness and learning to work through everyday mystery symptoms. By listening and learning to tune in to your higher self and your own intuition, you can make better aligned choices and take more authentic responsibility for your own health, wellness and life. 

The Body Feeback Formula is an immersive 90-day health focused program designed to help you develop your own self-muscle testing technique and extensive toolbox of holistic living survival strategies in order to be your own daily doc... well, at least most of the time. And the best part is that most of the items you need to take your healing to next level are included, already taken care of and ready to land on your doorstep just as you need it!

Learn to navigate the holistic living aisle.

If you have spent much time in the health and wellness space, you will probably relate to the feeling of overwhelm one can get with the holistic living aisle at the grocery store or just simply when it comes to the supplements you think you should be taking...

Actually adding up about how much all of that really costs each month is enough to blow many budgets right out of the water. But what if you could self-muscle test your body for the best supplements, superfoods and remedies found in the holistic living aisle. and ditch everything else... what if for example, your budget went from $400 per month to $150. Wouldn't that be cool? Now you've got the power. That is exactly what learning The Body Feedback Formula will do for you. It's an investment that keeps on giving.

The Body Feedback Formula helps you get to root cause issues & leads you towards safe and effective solutions to those issues. 

Your body is so wise, it has all the answers it needs to heal inside you right now. Let your body lead you in the direction of your whole-body health and become your bodies BEST FRIEND FOREVER... learn The BODY FEEDBACK FORMULA!

wouldn't it be nice to have a concrete process to follow when dealing with chronic symptoms, arising issues or just feel challenged with navigating the world as a highly sensitive person or the parent of one?

The Body Feedback Formula is a 7 module one on one training course created as an immersive 90-day VIP experience. It provides you with the perfect umbrella of process, protocols, strategies and therapies you can learn to perform yourself, so you are really able to get into a familiar flow of how to address the certain problems that come up for you either in the moment or those sneaky triggers/cycles/flare ups we all experience.  

You see, self-testing is based off the principles of applied/wholistic kinesiology also known as muscle-testing. It uses self-directed body feedback to decipher your bodies inner knowing and wisdom so your optimal health and well-being can truly flourish.

I can teach you how to identify and learn to use a self-testing technique that can help guide you towards your optimal health and well-being too! 

You will have simple exercises and activities to work through DIY daily along with 7 specific hands-on modules designed to support your process of integrating the basic fundamentals of the Body Feedback Formula and your progress towards learning how to provide your own self-directed therapies customized just for you...Whenever & Wherever

Identify your best self-testing technique

Challenge your new self-testing skill & learn about clearings

Transform your life with the intentional 7

Navigate the Holistic Living Aisle &    take the Foundational 4 to the store 

Learn to self-test for food

In-depth personal health check & race to trace your root cause(s)

Secondary Seven; 7 mini-lessons in energy work, deeper self-development & personal power

See just how versatile & useful utilizing a self-muscle testing technique into your daily life and experience can be! 

Can you imagine being able to test your own supplements - only having to buy the ones that are safe and beneficial for you and your loved one(s) and nothing else... Can you imagine just how much money you could potentially save every.single.month and get more bang for your buck at the same time? Take a moment to really think about that!

The Body Feedback Formula is a 90-day, one on one, life transforming and immersive program that covers 7 in-depth modules on deeper healing & holistic living and which includes most everything you will need for a transformative and exceptional healing experience.

I am with you, supporting you and walking with you every step of the way.

Many people tell me that they have never felt this kind of support before. 

It's like learning a new language or living in a new country... and I am your guide, interpreter and cheerleader... Accountability coach and community member! 

Learn to ask yourself Customizing Questions, Learn to Self-Muscle Test, Learn The Body Feedback Formula!

I am your perfect DIY companion.

You will have a lot of DIY information to work through, digest and begin to integrate in on a daily basis. This is, after all, an immersion program. But then I will be there to help you process and unpack some of the new stuff your taking in. I will be there with you developing your self-testing techniques and all the best accompaniments to go along with that. You will have 8-10 hours of individual coaching and consulting time within your regularly scheduled time slots that are reserved just for you. These sessions will be a mixture of phone calls and zoom meet ups that range in time from 15 minutes to as long as 2 plus hours for each designated time throughout your entire journey. Highlighted guidelines for text support and office hours will also be included.

And did I mention all the swag that automatically comes with this program? A lot of amazing stuff is including in your payment but there will always be a few surprise gifts and free bonuses you'll receive as well. Not to get too excited, but here are some of the items that will be included in this life-long adventure. From countertop water and/or shower filter to relevant books, essential oil singles, blends, diffusers, customized kits, castor oil pack, supplements, remedies, card decks, journals, personal challenges, maybe even a portable sauna and who knows what else! All individualized with your healing priorities in mind.

It's the program that keeps on giving.... 

I have literally boiled down 25+ years of practical, hands-on, coaching experience in this field to a 90-day, all-inclusive, VIP invitation that includes most everything you might possibly need to have a thorough deep dive into your optimal wellness that will keep you healing far beyond our limited time together.  

Questions? Feel free to email me @ and request a complimentary chat or just book your free chat directly, right here:) 

Delve into your soul of self-healing and holistic living today!

Not quite ready to join The Body Feedback Formula but want to know more? That's totally cool, Make sure you're on the echat list. You can sign up for that right below here. You will get access to my FREE video series that you can check out right now with no obligation other than your email (unsubscribe at any time). See if you resonate with my message. If you do, welcome to the echat community, I'm so glad you're here. I can't wait to chat! So Much Love! Cece 

Sign up right here and get your free Self-Test your Self-Care print @home mini card deck