Cellular inflammation can actually lead to uncomfortable and un-explainable or “mystery” symptoms? Does this sound anything like you? Because the truth is that chronic inflammation, left un-checked over-time, can manifest into a disease state.
Most disease states we see today are really just conditions of toxicity overload. There is no reliable testing we can use to indicate environmental and other toxicity. But when you cleanse the inflammation from your cells and tissues... you can address toxicity and how it affects every part of you.
You see, it's getting to the root cause of your inflammation as the only way to truly repair, down to the cellular level where it matters the most. We do this together in this powerful, intentional and effective cellular detoxification protocol.
True detoxification must occur at the cellular level. With proper detoxification tools, strategies, and protocols to address these imbalances, we are able to effectively support the lymph, the vagus nerve, the gut biome, symptoms of neuro-degeneration and to address chronic inflammation.
If you fix the cell, the body gets well.
You are only as healthy as your cells, and the Catalyst For True Healing and Lasting Detoxification Is FIXING YOUR CELLS. That is why you must get to the cell to get well.
Systemic Inflammation drastically reduces all cell function and energy throughout the entire body...
Inflammation of the cell and membrane affects the way the cell communicates, detoxes, changes in gene expression and why it leads to disease and genetic weakness. Cell membrane inflammation blunts the receptors and prevents proper communication between cellular action and hormone conversion. Changing gene expression for healing only happens when the cell is cleansed and fixed.
Once inflammation takes hold on the membrane of the cell, it creates a shield that prevents toxins from escaping and therefore traps them in the cell to create even more inflammation. Now, not only are the toxins trapped in the cellular tissues, but that same shield of inflammation prevents the good life giving stuff from getting in as well. That's the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients we require for exemplary health thus creating a state of severe nutritional depletion.
So if you are experiencing ill health or confusing/mystery symptoms that just won't clear up no matter what you try, eat or do... then toxins could be causing inflammation of your cell membranes. The Cellular Inflammation and Detoxification Program could be your ticket back to better health!
Clean and cleanse systemic inflammation with The Total Cellular Detox and The 5R Protocol today!
The 5R Protocol we explore in this program:
R1 Remove The Source
Listen, those toxins that could be causing you systemic inflammation must be identified and brought totally out of the body in order to reduce or eliminate unwanted symptoms and to make a successful detox. This is the first thing we will look at together.
R2 Regeneration of The Cell Membrane
Cell membrane inflammation blunts cellular receptors and affects all communication and hormone conversion throughout the body. To correct hormone problems YOU MUST FIX THE RECEPTORS TO THE HORMONES WHICH RESIDE ON THE CELL MEMBRANE. We bring about cellular regeneration utilizing diet and healthy fats.
R3 Restore Cellular Energy
How can you move forward without the proper energy balance restored? It is near impossible, but not when following R3 of the 5R protocol. R3 highlights effective ways to metabolize and utilize forgotten cellular energy.
R4 Reduce Cellular Inflammation
This is possible and done through a dietary protocol we'll introduce to you called, The 5:1:1 Diet Variation Strategy.
R5 Re-establishing Methylation
People are not becoming ill from their hereditary genes alone like we once believed. The idea of Epigenetics instead say it's from bad lifestyles and exposing ourselves to extremely toxic environments. In fact, someone can adopt the best intentions, diet and healthy lifestyle but if something in their life or environment has triggered a vulnerable gene to express unhealthy signals, that gene must be switched off again in order for true healing and lasting health to occur.
The truth is that improper methylation inhibits proper detoxification and sets up a host of unexplainable symptoms and dis-ease thus leading to a severe state of depletion.
A Stressor of any type can turn on a bad gene. Physical, Emotional, or Chemical Stress is the number 1 way methyl groups become depleted but you can take control of your wellness journey and start to achieve whole-body health today!
Clean and cleanse your systemic inflammation and support your body with cellular healing! Because if you fix your cells, your body gets well!
Cece is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Certified Toxicity and Detox Specialist and wants to invite you to APPLY HERE for the 7 Session Wellness Journey through the 5R Detoxification Process plus Special Bonus Gifts Now!!!
Wondering if this program could be a good fit for you?
This is a 90 Day Program that includes;
7 remote Guided Detox Sessions with Cece
Each specific session ranges from 45 minutes-2 hours depending on the session number
Totaling 9 hours of one-on-one session time